Profit and Distribution
In traditional economics, land, labor and capital are the three components of production. Since the beginning of human history, labor has always been an essential factor in production. It was mostly a rich resource because everyone had it, but at the same time it was a blind spot. When other resources aren't, labor could replace them. Labor must be fairly valued as a useful and unique asset to workers, but it has always been calculated cheaper than the actual value. Workers been paid lower than they need, must worry about tomorrow.
Who on earth had the surplus value of the workers with blood, sweat and tears? The ancient kings, the masters of the Middle Ages, the modern capitalists so-called only a ruling classes owned and enjoyed it.
In spite of no rights, it was monopolized by a few ruling classes. Greed has always broken morality. They have used all kinds of means to keep their status. As workers swallow their tears, endure unfairness, they're living a lifetime. This is the history. Is it right?
This is scam or robbery. Workers' complaints grow with time and get into resistance for justice. But the ruling classes, through just a small trick, are scattering workers easily. Then they were constantly exploited. The ruling classes can do anything for keeping their profit- torture, massacre, and even war. It is actually the profit of workers. To neutralize workers, the ruling class creates many illusions and workers become addict to it.
Martyrdom or patriotism can be a representative example.
Martyrs choose death to keep their religious beliefs. Patriotism is a noble sentiment that abandon me for the nation. Is it really? This spirit itself is not the object of criticism. Such sublime makes humans truly and humanism makes good society.
The object of sublime is wrong. What faith does God want? On the day of Jesus' death, Peter would deny Him three times at night. However Peter is regarded as the first pope today. Only a death isn't the proof of the belief. I couldn't find a message in the bible about why must I go to heaven after just a death.
From the very moment of accepting God, we must be able to be in heaven.
Why does it should be possible only after death? The resurrection of Jesus is spiritual, not physical. It isn't logical to assume that heaven is built on the sky so that souls live together. It is just an illusion made to sell religion. With the same logic, hell won't exist as we have heard. We feel heaven and hell while living on earth. For someone, this world is heaven and for others, it is hell. They are not places where we can go after death. Whether heaven or hell, the world changes as we decide and act.
Martyrdom might be only a self-escape. If so, when we're living, we have to do the best to turn this world into heaven. Then we need not to pray for going to heaven after death. Almost religious leaders plant fear to believers and promise heaven in return for belief. To them, the evidence of belief is usually donation, the money.
Why should we be patriot? Of course, the country does much for the people. The problem is in the ruling classes. The interest of the party politician belongs is the first priority. In many cases, it is ahead of the national things. It means that if their interests is harmed, they can stand the opposite of the country and the people. Politician ruins the country and the people save it. Then politician appears and ruin it again. Anyone who lives well in a country that has been saved in that way is always the ruling classes. The people is exploited by them again.
If it is patriotism that throws ourselves in a worthless place, why should we become a patriot? My father lived that way. If I live like that, so will my children. The country is falling as a means for legitimate exploitation by the ruling classes.
We usually think of ourselves foremost whenever we do something. It is because of my desire to distinguish me from others. But there is nothing we can do with that kind of mind. And there is also no logical basis to place ourselves above others. Our wallet isn't filled forever. So the cycle of corruption for greed is endless, too. It must change from the basis. When we have a heart that we are the same with others, we can start for solving the problem.
Profit is composed of many components. Most of the profits are made by the workers involved in all parts of the production process. Then who will have the surplus value? It is shared by shareholders and various stakeholders who have never participated in the production process. They provided only the money. But the money is the king in capitalism. Capitalists monopolize the surplus value created by millions of people at the expense of money.
This is clearly fraud or robbery. But it is distorted by capital logic and transformed into a legitimate distribution. Also money itself produce the gain. This is a trick of capitalism. Capitalism which created the new weird concept have made a financial markets several times larger than the real market. They supply continuously securities, futures, options, and various derivatives through the stock market, As a result, the world become a casino. There is only a greed in it. Thieves called capitalist legitimately steal the money of the worker. As the growth rate of the real economy decreases, the financial fraud of developed countries increases rapidly. The object of hunting is distributed all over the world including Asia, South America, and Africa.
Today workers have developed into citizens. Unlike the past workers, their education level has increased and they can do much more. However, as the gap of the rich and poor are deepened, the food chain relationship between the classes is not dismantled but rather becoming fixed more and more. In the end, if you don't think of others and you think that just your own profits should be the first, problem cannot be solved.
Could the president alone make a company worth more than $100 billion? Everyone knows it's impossible. If so, please find the people who contributed to making the present company and distribute the profit fairly. Probably they will be hundreds of millions of domestic and overseas affiliates workers and even consumers. Eventually, no organization can exist unless all members of society help each other. This is applied equally to the state, too. Please don't think in the narrow frame of the state anymore but think of humanity is one family. Only then we can start again.
In the beginning we talked about the three elements of production. Recently, things, people and ideas have been proposed as the three new elements of production. Labor was divided into people and ideas. This means that the owner of surplus value becomes a worker and that it is likely to be higher. But if you forget morality, you will change just like the ruling class, and the earth will be hell. If all we live with remembering into the mind the truth that we love our neighbor, the world will become heaven.
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